Culture & Lifestyle
Draped in a red saree with white scattered flowersYou walked into a house of a strangerTo have and to hold, for better or for worseHow scared you must have feltHow bravely you walked into the unknown
Sumina Subba
Draped in a red saree with white scattered flowers
You walked into a house of a stranger
To have and to hold, for better or for worse
How scared you must have felt
How bravely you walked into the unknown
Love had always been an elusive visitor
The third time’s a charm, they said
And so you believed wide eyed
You turned the house into a home—a paradise for three
When death came unannounced
You solemnly fulfilled your duty until it did you apart
With no questions asked
As though the colours of your saree was a premonition
You were no longer allowed to have desires as passionate as red
Your attire transformed from bright hues
to muted shades of grey
You obliged with what was expected of you
Did anyone ask how you felt?
Now, when I run my fingers through the red saree with white scattered flowers
I am connected with your past
I’ve inherited your pain and your loss
I’ve inherited your strengths and your beliefs
I’ve inherited your scars and your healings
I’ve inherited your patience and your calm
I’ve inherited your unapologetic and relentless ability to love
Like the oceans waves kissing the shoreline
Again and again
And again
And again…