Culture & Lifestyle
Five ways to improve your communication skills
Effective communication skills cannot be developed overnight. It requires effort to learn the art of articulating your thoughts well.
Mimamsha Dhungel
Communication, critical thinking, and creativity are tools that will undoubtedly give us an edge in any field. Effective communication is the foundation of all human relationships, but it does not stop there. Communication can also boost your productivity at work. It is critical to communicate properly in order for those around you and yourself to absorb and process information more effectively. If your communication skills are poor, you will experience frequent misunderstandings and difficulties in your life.
Parul Sigdel has worked in various organisations as a communications professional. Currently, she works as the Communications Officer at Ullens School. She holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy. Sigdel shares with the Post some ways one can strategically improve their communication skills.
Invest time towards learning
Effective communication skills cannot be developed overnight. It requires a dedicated effort to learn the art of articulating your thoughts and ideas coherently. This involves investing time in listening to others, observing communication patterns, and strengthening your command over a particular language. To broaden your knowledge and have more ideas to communicate, it is important to read frequently. Sigdel says, “Improving your receptive skills is also crucial for achieving good communication outcomes.” One can learn a lot by watching good interviews, TV shows, and movies that demonstrate effective communication in various languages.
Non-verbal communication
When we talk about communication, we don’t always mean spoken communication. Many times, you can emote a great deal without saying a single word. To communicate successfully, you must work on your body language, demeanour, and gestures. Of course, it is important when you speak properly and choose your words carefully. However, your speech is enhanced when you supplement it with appropriate body language and gestures. Sigdel believes that investing time in learning nonverbal communication techniques naturally adds a lot of confidence to your personality.
Social Interactions
When individuals avoid social interactions, their communication skills tend to suffer. On the other hand, getting out and interacting with people enables one to learn how to effectively express themselves in various situations. Unfortunately, social media has limited the scope of communication for many individuals, leading to a decline in communication skills. Sigdel emphasises the importance of stepping out of one's comfort zone and engaging in new conversations. While it may seem daunting, one should attempt to break the ice at gatherings and surround themselves with individuals they admire. In case you require additional motivation, joining networking groups or clubs can provide ample opportunities to communicate and build relationships.
Practice is key
Communication is more than just exchanging words. Other methods of communication include listening, writing, and even visual communication. Ultimately, no one can master communication skills unless they put them into daily practice. Consistency enhances the ability to deliver what you intend across every medium of communication. It will involve study and effort investment to present a strong message through a write-up. If you want to express a lot of things in a short amount of time, you must develop time management and prioritisation abilities. Learning to be an excellent communicator is a progressive process that takes time. The only catch is that you should never give up.
Learn newer modes of communication
Like any technical skill, it is also essential that you are up-to-date with the latest technologies and newer means of communication in the market. A new social media tool or upgrade might enhance your method of communication and systematically increase your output level. Learning a new language is always a plus if you wish to expand your horizons and interact with the larger global community. Communication also needs regular upskilling. “It is all about remaining committed to practise, learn and grow. A good communicator is not born, they are built,” says Sigdel.