Ex-inmate releases six books at once
Manish Hellok is now back out in the open after a 27-month stint in jail; and he did not return empty handed.
Aananda Gautam
Manish Hellok is now back out in the open after a 27-month stint in jail; and he did not return empty handed. Six of Hellok’s books were launched at once at an event held in Thakyum, Chumlung, in Taplejung. Hellok wrote all the books while he was serving his jail term. He was convicted in 2014 on charges of kidnapping.
Among the books published are Chelika Suskera, a novel; Sundar Samaj ka Sapanaharu, a novel; Sambhidhan ma Jatiya Pahichan ko Khoj, an epic poem; Kirat-Limbuwan ko Sanchipta Itihas, a non-fiction book; Arun Purba Limbuwan and Tarai Pahad Limbuwan, two dramas. Hellok had previously published the book, Limbhuwan Karntika Chunati.
Among the books published, Chelika Suskera deals with the effect of modern technology in the daily lives of people, while Sundar Samajka Sapana explores the social impacts of migration for foreign employment. Sambhidhan ma Jatiya Pahichan ko Khoj addresses the issue of inclusion.
Likewise, Kirat-Limbuwan ko Sankshipta Itihaas explores the histories of the nine different types of Limbu and Limbuwan; the book also includes three short stories based on Limbu mythology.
Speaking at the launch, Mellok said that the six books launched were only a part of the literature he wrote while in jail; and that he would be releasing the rest of his work in the near future.