Gandaki Province

They were struck by earthquakes in 2015, now the ground beneath them is crumbling

Residents of Khanigaun in Gorkha district have left their newly built homes after the landmass developed cracks and rains caused soil erosion. They were struck by earthquakes in 2015, now the ground beneath them is crumbling
A woman in Khanigaun village in Dharche Rural Municipality of Gorkha shows the cracks on the walls of her house that she said developed after a heavy rainfall earlier this month. Her family has been living under a tarp.  Hariram Upreti/TKP
Hariram Upreti
Published at : August 26, 2023
Updated at : August 26, 2023 06:57

Hariram Upreti

Hariram Upreti is the Gorkha correspondent for Kantipur Publications.
