Plain racism
Do the people in the entertainment industry really think that Madhesis can't act in front of the screen?.jpg&w=900&height=601)
The knowledge that actors portray people from the Madhesi community by painting their faces black is quite humiliating (‘Does blackface have a place in Nepali comedy? Probably not’, September 2).
Firstly, I don't think all Madhesis are dark. If someone thinks so they must be ignorant of the diversity in the Madhesi community. Not that being dark is a fault or weakness, to begin with.
Also, do the people in the entertainment industry really think that Madhesis can't act in front of the screen?
To be qualified to play any role, the person should be well trained and taught the proper dialect and accent so that the performance is convincing. Lazily faking the tone and accent of any people would make the performance embarrassing. This is why Madhesi people are not attracted to Nepali movies and tv shows. It is unlikely that the directors and producers couldn’t find any Madhesis to fulfil the roles. Such shows should be banned as it shows racial and ethnic discrimination.
Arun Thakur, via email