Sudurpaschim Province

22 years and 33 panels later, Shuklaphanta displaced families still in limbo

Failure to rehabilitate hundreds of families is hurting both their well-being and wildlife, say conservationists. 22 years and 33 panels later, Shuklaphanta displaced families still in limbo
Huts of the displaced families in Dhakka area in Kanchanpur district, in this recent photo. Hundreds of families, uprooted from their homes22 years ago during the expansion of the then Shuklaphanta Wildlife Reserve, are still languishing in temporary shelters. Bhawani Bhatta/TKP
Bhawani Bhatta
Published at : September 25, 2024
Updated at : September 25, 2024 06:37

Bhawani Bhatta

Bhawani Bhatta is the Kanchanpur correspondent for Kantipur Publications.
