Easy DIY craft ideas for creative bug in you
If you’re done baking your 18th loaf of quarantine banana bread, try these DIY projects to keep you occupied.
Pooja Lakhey
With the lockdown extended for the umpteenth time, even the most introverted of us are going to go stir crazy after a bit. We’ve rewatched all ten episodes of Friends, we’ve reread all the books we’ve hoarded throughout the years, we’ve KonMari-ed the wardrobe and even given exercise a go. So, what now? The answer is simple. DIY projects! With random things lying around the house, upcycling them to make something better is a perfect way to tackle boredom.
We’ve all heard of start-ups like Tyre Treasures, Upcycle Nepal, and Doko Recyclers who upcycle things into refined products to promote a culture of conservancy and judicious use of resources. We probably own a few of their DIY products too. Some of us have even bought all sorts of DIY materials from stores like Rowshie-Arts and Crafts Store to scratch the creative itch in us. So, taking inspirations from them, we’ve compiled a few DIY projects that you can work on while at home.
Paint cork people
It’s not even a secret anymore. Wine was, is and will forever be our best friend. Next time you pop open one, drink the bottle and save the cork to paint yourself, your friends, and your family as cork people! All you need is a cork, paint and brushes. With a few little strokes of paint, you’ll be amazed at how the tiny wood that you’d otherwise throw away comes to life.
Make terrazzo soap
With handwashing considered one of the ways to tackle the COVID-19, soap is very in right now. But are you bored of washing your hands with the same old boring bar of soap? Go bubbly and turn them into a set of beautiful terrazzo bars. All you need is a bar of soap, a few selections of food colourings and any essential oil that is lying around in your vanity box. Read the full directions here.
Give old furniture an upgrade
Whether it’s an old bookshelf or kitchen chairs, show some love to your often-overlooked furniture. Not only will it give you a fun project to tackle at home, but it will also save you tons of money on new furniture purchases and let you customise the item to fit your space.
The materials you need depend on what you’ll be working on. A paintbrush and a can of paint might be all you need for some simple furniture upgrades. But you might need a stapler and fabric for upholstery jobs, or sandpaper and wood stain or oil for refurbishing hardwood furniture.
Upcycle old kitchen supplies into plant pots
Have you given herb gardening a try? Do you need somewhere to store your greenery? Gather up any unused saucepans or ceramic containers and give them a new life as plant pots by painting them with the colour of your choice. Their hard surface means they can withstand the weather and painting them in a bright colour will be a fun activity for you and the whole family. Also, remember to add a few drainage holes at the bottom before repotting your plants.
Bake Sharpie mugs
“Sharpie mugs” have been quite the rage lately and if you’re on Pinterest it’s hard to go a day without seeing a Sharpie mug pin or something similar. With everyone staying in, drinking coffee/tea from mugs instead of takeaway cups has become the new normal. So, give your ceramic mug a new look by scribbling, drawing or writing a motivational quote on it using any oil-based colour.
Once you are happy with your design, you will be ready to bake your mug for proper adhesion of the design. However, you will need to wait at least 72 hours to let the colours fully dry on your mug before baking. To properly bake it, place your mug in a cold oven and turn it to 425° C and set the time for one hour. Turn off the oven and let the mug cool completely before you take it out from the oven.
Braid a new dog leash
There are a ton of great leashes on the market, but many dog owners prefer to simply make their own DIY leash at home. If you’re looking for a cute and functional leash for everyday use, a cotton rope leash is an excellent option. All you need is a few metres of cotton rope and a metal latch. Essentially, you’ll need to tightly braid the cotton rope, and attach it to the metal latch, which clips to your dog’s collar. You’ll want to set aside some extra time to do the braiding properly.
And voila! your own custom dog leash for your next evening stroll will be ready.