Prateebha Tuladhar

Tuladhar has worked as a journalist for over a decade, with affiliations to Kantipur TV and German Press Agency.

Latest from Prateebha Tuladhar

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We must have been just another Asian couple to their eyes. Because he could have been placed anywhere from the Middle-east to South Asia. And I could be placed anywhere from South to the Southeast of Asia.


By the time I finish telling my favourite umbrella story, we’ve managed to hail a taxi and gotten in. I knew it was going to be a story with a happy ending, you say.


Because the “other” is also always the “me”. The “other” is a reflection of who you are.

Temple goers

Over the last few months of being isolated at home, I’ve come to realise that if I have a religion, it is my solitude.

Girls who could not love

One day, she wrote Titir a long letter and slipped it under her door. It didn’t occur to her that the move would only cause her object of dedication to further stiffen against her.

We are conversation

You always came to me for conversations. You knew that was all I ever had, to offer. And that’s exactly why you came around this time as well. To converse. To find distraction.

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