Sudurpaschim Province

Elderly in outlying Achham villages trek up to three days to collect social security allowances

Efforts by some local units to distribute allowances from ward offices have faced challenges owing to resource crunch and poor internet. Elderly in outlying Achham villages trek up to three days to collect social security allowances
An official (in baseball cap) of Tumarkhand Rural Municipality poses with a group of elderly beneficiaries in the remote Bhulu village, recently. Municipal officials walked for three days to reach the village to distribute social security allowances. Menuka Dhungana/TKP
Menuka Dhungana
Published at : May 27, 2024
Updated at : May 27, 2024 07:02

Menuka Dhungana

Menuka Dhungana is the Achham correspondent for Kantipur Publications.
