Saptari police prohibits using mobile phones while on duty
The police have been receiving complaints about the personnel spending long hours on their phones.
Abadhesh Kumar Jha
The District Police Office of Saptari has enforced a new rule prohibiting police from using mobile phones while on duty. The directive states that only the commander on duty is permitted to use a mobile phone, and only when absolutely necessary for official purposes.
This measure comes in response to concerns that the use of mobile phones during duty hours was distracting police on duty from their primary responsibility of maintaining law and order. According to Superintendent of Police, Dhekendra Khatiwada of Saptari District Police, mobile phone use was impairing the effectiveness of security monitoring and, in some cases, adding risk to the police themselves.
The new rule is being strictly enforced by the district police office, with teams sent out to check whether the ones on duty are adhering to the ban.
The police have been receiving complaints about the personnel spending long hours on their phones, engaging in casual conversations or browsing social media platforms such as Facebook and TikTok during the duty hours.